Job Search Tips

Are you dropping CVs at hundreds of places on daily basis? Are you stuck in your current job? Do you feel that you are out of job market? Have you lost confident of switching job?

If you are facing above situations, then this post is for you.


I have divided the whole job hunting and job getting process into four steps, which are:

1. CV building

2. CV Sharing and dropping

3. Before an Interview

4. In an Interview

Here are above steps discussed which are very important factors in job getting process.

Building CV:

The first and very important step in job searching process is building a CV. But every body have his or her CV, so what is the point?

The point is you must have to realize that you are going to sell your skills and abilities in return of some benefits, which you desire or want in your career path. So put 100 percent of your professionalism in preparing your CV. Most of the people avoid making their own CVs and think it as an outsource job. They give CV building as an outsource work to some one, who they think can build a CV for them. This is actually a very big mistake which professionals do just in the start of job searching, job hunting and job getting process. Always keep in mind that no body can build your CV on your behalf, in a way which you can. You know your potential, skills, experience, energy and education very well than those other people, to whom you gave a task of preparing CV.

So what you do now to resolve the CV building issue?

Start a brain storming session in some quite and calm place and realize your potential, abilities and most importantly your interests. After having the clear cut answers of these basic questions, you will be in a more better and confident state of mind for converting and writing these positive thoughts and pints in your CV in a more professional manner.

Remember that your CV should be catchy, brief, relevant  and updated.

Another big mistake in CV building process is “Copy and Paste” materials from others CVs and presenting those skills, experiences, abilities as of yours. Remember that this will never make you feel confident, even in an interview your words will not match with your CV. Why? Because you did not realize your desires and potential and the content written on your CV is actually not yours. Interviewer catches the loose ends and chances of getting a particular job become remote.

Now whats next?

CV Sharing:

Most of the people share their CV in random fashion without reading the job requirements. What they have written in their CVs is totally different than the requirements of particular job for which job is applied or CV shared. This is another big mistake in job hunting process.

What to do?

Always read the requirements and necessary skills required for any particular job in your niche very carefully. Here brain storming session is also involved. How? You know your potential, interests and other strengths, so you have to think first whether you should apply for the job based on your situation. If you get positive intuition, then go for it. But always try to place relevant CVs for relevant jobs. Do not become part of race, where everybody is applying for every job they heard about. Many people nowadays are making these mistakes and they do not take care in sending CVs.

Before Interview:

Always research about the company for which you are going to give an interview. But what does research means here? Research means you have to be aware of the current situation of the company, a brief but more relevant insights and future plans of company, which is generally available as a public information. Financial statements of the company clear most of the research process. Search the website of the company and try to extract key points about the company. Try to get the information about the management of the company.

In an Interview:

What matters in an Interview?

Interviewer always want to hire those professionals, who are confident, career oriented individuals with more relevant qualification and experience. Only wearing good clothes with good appearance will not serve the purpose. You have to be very energetic with positive outlook and show greed for learning and taking new challenges, to the interviewers.

Your words and actions clear all the things. Never ever give the impression that you are in interview for making money or status. Interview session is the platform where you have to be very focused. Avoid confusing interviewers about yourself. Give brief and relevant answers unless interviewer demands details. Never present yourself as a “one man show”. You have to make person in front of you realize that you are a team player and achieve results with team work.

Always, avoid talking about the weaknesses of your current company and its management. This will give impression that you think negatively and every one wants to avoid negative people, especially in jobs. Most of the interviewer ask about interviewee’s strengths and weaknesses, in interview as a question. In order to answer relevant and brief answer to this question you have to plan it out in advance of an interview session and your strengths and weaknesses which you thought should match your CV content. You should avoid telling your weaknesses which are contradictory to your CV information and same rule is with your strengths.

In a “why do you want to switch from your current company” question by interviewer, you have to make some points in mind before going to interview, as this is another one of the most common question in any interview session which is asked. Your answer should be a positive one instead of conveying weaknesses or low job growth answers. Here once again your words and actions will convey the whole story to interviewer so be very careful.

You have to make interviewer very clear that what you want in a job, your career path and future prospects.


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