After iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, Apple’s next smartphone iPhone 7 is to be launched next and there are rumors around regarding this upcoming Apple product. Its new design, improved performance, improved camera and waterproofing features have gathered attention of people especially those who love Apple smartphones.


Thinner and Lighter Design:

“Tick Tock” update cycle of Apple means when the iPhone’s number charges we see a physical change. This means that iPhone 7 is going to be looked very different to the iPhone 6 and 6S.

Apple’s product strategy is to make more thinner and lighter smartphones, so it is very much expected that upcoming iPhone 7 is going to be thinnest and lightest yet, measuring less than 6.9mm in thickness and weighing under 129g.

Wireless Charging:

As for that problem with charging and listening to music through the Lightning port at the same time, consider that iPhone 7 could have wireless charging. Not a new technology by any means this will at least be new to the range of iPhone series. It will also mean that headphones can be plugged into the Lightning port while the handset is charged.

No Headphone Jack:

Apple is said to be getting rid of the ubiquitous 3.5mm headphone jack for the iPhone 7. Those who use wired headphones, it is expect that Apple will send audio out through the lightning port and sell an adapter to plug your regular headphones into it. This means charging and listening to music at the same time.

A Smaller Sibling:

A rumor circling at the end of 2015 was that Apple is working on a successor to the iPhone 5s and that it could become a stable mate for the iPhone . The handset would be smaller with a 4 inch screen – the same as the iPhone 5 and design similar to iPhone 6 or 7 but with a lower price. Whether Apple is going to give a more premium feel with a mid range, we will have to wait till later 2016.

More Storage:

This must surely be the year that Apple gets rid of the 16GB storage option on the iPhone? iPhone 7 is expected to start at 32 GB and include 64GB and 128GB options.


Apple has never listed it as a feature, the iPhone 6S has proved to be remarkably water-resistant. Where previous models would die within seconds of being dropped into water the latest phone has survived in some cases for over an hour. Waterproofing is going to be the official feature of iPhone 7.

Arrival / Launch Time:

It is expected in September or early October.


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