Ways and Tips To Excel Tremendously



What this post is all about is to know how you can get to the next level. Moving to the next level and start the process required is as much important as taking breathing. People who think about moving to the next level definitely reach that level after taking required and right actions.

We have to think about following questions very clearly:

1. How do we get ourselves to the next place or level?
2. How do we get our businesses to take to the next place or level?
3. How do we take others associated with us to the next place or level?

After attending to the questions above it is very important to understand that competition is not required but “to dominate” is actually required. Success is not dependent on competition but is is very much dependent on dominance. To understand this point just think about big names like Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Warren Buffet etc etc. Are they in competition? The answer is No. They are in dominant positions and grab the market share. They do not want to compete but to dominate.

So whats wrong with us? We are not thinking about those paths and avenues which are less towards competition and more towards dominance. Lets take examples of super successful icons like Steve Jobs who dominated, Warren Buffet also dominated, Google is dominating, Youtube is dominating etc etc. The list is very big if we realize and observe.

Here i am going to mention the 5 steps which are required to excel in the future and in business in a dominant way. These steps are not mine but result of research which i performed on various related topics.

1. Decide on a turnaround
2. Identify the ONE problem
3. Quit retreating and being distracted and start attacking
4. Commit every position to generate income
5. Stay focused on revenue solutions

Survey reports on super successful people have few things in common which include they are focused in their fields and dominating through investing on themselves, in order to become more and more better than before. They invest money and time on their businesses and polish their own skills and always learn a lot. They learn many books, they grasp the idea from reading and listening, focus on creating new ideas or using the tools learned in growing their businesses. They show hunger and that is why are very active and informative, in taking right actions in right directions.


There are few basic mistakes which have significant impact on some one’s career path are mentioned below. These are the points which we already know but are less convinced to take actions to deal with these basic issues.

We do not learn a lot, we do not read books;
We do not listen those people who achieved a lot etc etc.
We aim very low
We follow competition race
We do not polish our skills by having relevant courses;
We do not improve our communication skills
We do not watch the market critically and think out of box etc etc

These all we know but the moment we realize and take actions on these basic but very important points, we start our journey on right direction. We have to realize the importance of continuous learning and improving ourselves in a continuous manner.

So in order to conclude this, we have to avoid those fields where there is already a lot of competition and start to follow and observe those paths on which no body is walking or very less competitions prevails. So how?

Just start observing to Dominate……  

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