How To Make Money and Increase It

In order to increase your earning ability, there are key questions with sub questions, you can ask yourself on a regular basis, so that you are completely clear about what it is that you have to offer.

Look at yourself and make a list of all the things, you can do, that someone somewhere in the market place would be willing to pay money for.

You see your earning ability to get results that people value.

You must absolutely positively know the answers of these questions, if you want to maximize your value, your earnings ability and your income in our economy.

One of the most important responsibilities in adult life as a president of your own personal corporation is to develop skills for which there is a demand in a market place and keep those skills current.

So there are questions with related sub questions:

First Question

So the first question that you can ask is

“What Are Your Skills?”.

Make  a list of every skill that you have developed as a result of studying, practicing and experience.

Write down every skill that you have used to get the results or benefit for or for others in the past.

Without writing your skills, you cannot predict how competent and skilled you really are, as most of the time we do not realize our actual potential and skills due to various rapid and haphazard thinking process.

Second Question

Here is the second question:

What if you done well at various jobs and activities in the past?

What sort of activities in the past have been most responsible for your success in your work life to date. So look back over your career and think about your high points, your skills and your greatest successes.

Think about the specific skills and techniques you were using at the time when you were getting the very best results. Use the identified skills and  techniques again and again in the future.

Third Question

Here is the third question:

What sort of activities in your work and personal life do you most enjoy.

Remember that you always be most successful doing the things that you enjoy the most.

What sort of activities give you the feeling of pleasure and personal satisfaction.

When you identify these activities you become absorb and loose track of time and you feel wonderful about yourself when you are done. What are these activities for you?

Fourth Question

Here is the question number four:

What parts of your work you do most easily and well?

What you have done well in the past is often a good indicator of what you will do best in the future.

The first law of horses say that the the best direction to ride the horse is the direction where horse is going.

The very best way for you to maximize your income and your possibilities is to do more and more of the things you can do most easily and well.

What Are They?

What is the natural direction of your interest and your abilities?

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Fifth Question

Question number five:

Ask yourself to describe your ideal job.

Imagine that you can have any job in the world.

Exactly what job would that be?

If you want a Million dollar cash tomorrow and you could choose any job, exactly what would be your ideal job look like?

Put at yourself into the future. What sort of work would you like to be doing in 3 to 5 years. In any kind of goal setting identify the obstacles that stand between you and your ideal job. What is the main obstacle?

Why cant you find your ideal job today?

What is it that is holding you back?

Find what is it that is holding you back.

Sixth Question

And here is the final question:

What level of responsibility do you desire in your work?

How up and high up do you want to rise in your career?

Do you enjoy working by yourself or would you like to be a manager working under you. Some people are ideally suited for individual work  and some are suited to be the supervisors and managers.

The more specific you are with regard to What and Where and Why and When and How and how you wish to work..

It is easiest for you to identify the right job and earn a very most money that is possible for you.

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