How To Achieve Financial Freedom

Master the Game-7 Steps To Financial Freedom


The world we grew up in, you grew up in and our parents grew up in was very different as compared to today’s changing economic and financial dynamics.

We learn from our childhood, certain traditional ways of thinking and lifestyles like when we are children, we go to schools then colleges for degrees and set our minds to search for the job.

We are told that we have to get a decent job in life where we spend years and years just to maintain the living standards and meet the basic necessities like bills, loans repayments, our children school fees etc etc. We also wait for the pensions to ensure that we survive after the retirement.

All of the above ways were applicable decades ago…

Today everything is more complex like if you see the inflation and look at the fees of your children, your lifestyle, needs and wants, you start thinking about the money.

We all need to be the financial expert in some way to cater the need of money and achieve financial freedom.

The technology and money game has been changed, grown dramatically and affected our lives both favorably and unfavorably.

So what we need to do for the financial freedom?

Here is a good quote that:

“If you want to master the game, you have to learn from the masters”

Here below I will explain some crucial things and habits, which most of the millionaires and billionaires adopted and which made them so successful and led to the financial freedom and continuous growth in whatever business or work they are doing.

The masters of the game might have different approaches towards the money but there are certain things which are common between them.

So what are those common things?

The Number 1 Thing:

The number one thing which is common among every successful person or investor is:

“Gaining information and execution”

They get the information from different sources, accumulate it and think for a plan to execute. They believe in taking ACTIONS. These successful people have got incredible execution.

What is the second thing common?

The Second Thing:

“They don’t lose money”

These people are obsessed towards not losing the money.

They know that they are there to create more money, so losing money is no option for these successful businessmen and investors.

The Third Thing:

What is the third thing common among successful investors and businessmen?

“They usually look for low risk avenues but with big rewards”

They don’t completely believe in “High risk is equal to High Rewards” instead they believe in taking lower risks but they want higher rewards from those little risks.

How do they do it?

They observe, read, enquire, meet people and learn from different people who are doing the same businesses and think about some unique way to do the same tasks but ensure higher returns.

The Fourth Thing:

What is the fourth thing common? Reading Books……yes

The successful investors and businessmen read a lot. They read on daily basis to keep them up to date and knowledgeable.

They read books about successful businesses, people, economies, finance, money, growth, diversification etc etc.

In short they read everything, which helps them to remain focus on achieving the financial freedom.

The Fifth Thing:

What is the fifth thing common?

“Don’t save, instead reinvest”

Millionaires and billionaires know that the secret of making more money lies in spending in the businesses and reinvesting the profits to grow the businesses. They don’t believe in saving the money.

The ultimate objective of the investors and financially successful people are to grow tremendously, what they are doing. Therefore, they reinvest what they gain.

The Sixth Thing:

What is the sixth thing common?

“Multiple Streams of Income”

Financially successful people know that the secret of financial freedom is in creating significant money and this is possible with creating multiple streams of income. They focus on this principle and follow it.

Initially these successful people start with a business and let it grow and after certain time period, they start doing another business and invest in it to grow it as well.

Similarly they keep on investing the money in different businesses and ventures to achieve the financial freedom.

They always try to create avenues for generating multiple streams of income and never rely on one source. They advise others to create different sources of income as well to achieve the real financial freedom.

They try not to buy the houses or expensive cars for them instead they invest the excess money in the businesses to create more money for further investments.

They keep on creating income streams and avail the opportunities which comes to them.

The Seventh Thing:

What is the seventh thing common among the financially successful people?


Financially successful people believe in networking and meeting with the strangers. They believe that their money is kept with the strangers and they have to get their money from those strangers. Therefore, they meet different people and build networks and relationships with them.android8.jpg

Financially successful people always give benefits to others and in return get their own benefit.

They help others to grow their businesses and make their deals also. They believe in collective prospering.



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