Advertisements and Marketing in 2017

Traditional Way of Marketing and Advertising

Marketing and advertisements modes which take the form of “banner ads” at particular location or site, are becoming obsolete and considered as conventional form of advertising.

Businesses and companies are gradually realizing that these conventional methods of marketing and advertisements of their products and services are less effective and will be almost useless in upcoming years.

Companies are now focusing on the strategy of “native marketing and advertisement” for getting their content in front of the “right audience”.These days native marketing is everywhere and playing a very impressive role in the field of advertisement and marketing.

Lets see what is Native Marketing trend in the field of marketing and advertisement:

Native Advertising and Marketing

What is Native Advertising?

In very simple words “Native Advertising is a paid content”.

It might be in the form of Article, Video, Graphics or Impressions”.

Basically three sources combine together, to create a native marketing such as:

  • Content producer
  • Business or company who want to advertise and
  • Publishing platforms


Why Native Advertising Is Important?

Investment in native advertisement campaign is now an important part of marketing strategy; this is due to the fact that advancement in the technology trends like blogs, different websites and the social media presence across the globe has engaged large number of audience.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are making their users realize the importance of native marketing to make their business successful and competitive.

For native marketing few basic principles are mandatory to be followed which are mentioned below:

  1. Know Your Audience KYA

To increase the ads clicks you need to understand thnativ-marketingat your ad content should be like similar to the content of the site, on which you placed your products / services advertisement.

All the ad related content should be well synchronized with the content of the site, like your title or logo, pictures and ad materials are required to be well synchronized.

This is tricky but with careful handling of native marketing principles this can be done easily.

  1. Native Advertisement Is To Promote Relevant Content For Right Users

Business owners and companies are required to realize that relevant content is required to be placed in front of relevant audience instead of marketing whole business or company.

Today people or consumers are more interested in knowing the particular and useful information about the products and services being offered by companies, instead of knowing more about the company or business itself.

social media presence

Treating your ad like promoting the company is not useful in today’s changed scenarios and customer preferences are required to be kept in front before placing any ad content on any website or blog.

There is a need to realize that your ads content should meet your prospects and to do this businesses or companies have to think like what content will provide interest, information and value to the audience and leave them wanting more of the content. Your ad content should be able to generate the leads .

  1. Wordings Matter

Many publishers disclose clearly that the content is a “promoted content”.

Audience can easily know about the nature and objective of the particular content especially when the words like “Promoted Content” or “Paid Content” are used.

You must have experienced that when you go through a site like Facebook or Twitter, after few posts you see the advertisements or contents labeled like “Advertisement”, “Ad” or “Promoted Content” to attract the attention of the audience towards that particular ad which is basically a paid content.


Audience sees, the wordings of the ads and decide whether to click on that particular ad or not.

If the wordings of the ads are attractive and very particular then the chances of click on the ad increase significantly.

Wordings play very important role in the native marketing because the audience’s attention is very much distracted on the sites, especially social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc, where hundreds of thousands of different posts are available for audience or users to look at and engage.

When the wordings used for advertisements are very particular in nature with label of “Promoted Content” or “Ad” etc, the chances of click rates enhance, which results in the generation of leads and pipelines for the businesses or companies whose ads are published.

  1. Format of Ads Matters

According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau IAB, there are 6 core ad unit formats which are as follows:

  1. Paid Search Units: Like Google AdWords, this is to put your content in search engine results.
  2. In-feed Units: Ads placed in line with other organic content.
  3. Promoted Listings: This is for placement on an e commerce marketplace like Amazon.
  4. Recommendation Widgets: Side bar or In Feed ads that display links of advertisement.
  5. In-ad with native element: Those ads which are placed near organic content which link to outside content or material.
  6. Customized Formats: Specific and unique formats used as advertnative-marketingtisement for site. This can be seen in like (Spotify Ads)

Businesses and companies are advised to be aware of different formats as different publishers have different format options for the placement of the advertisement on their site.

Concluding the article, in 2017 trends of marketing are going to shift majorly on Native methods for which companies and businesses will spend more from their marketing and advertisement budget.


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