Instagram Allows You Bookmark Your Posts For Later Viewing


Instagram is an application for sharing photos for free. Instagram allows users to take photos and share these pictures on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter etc.

Instagram has introduced a new bookmark button located below the posts. You can see it in the feed options.

Now it is easy to save your favorite posts, through this bookmark option and see or revisit these posts in future.

This is done to facilitate users who want to revisit certain posts after sometime. What you have to do is to tap the bookmark button, to easily locate your posts, in a new private tab later in the future.

Instagram has announced that users can use the bookmark option for those times when you or users “stumble upon a video that you really want to remember in the future, inspiration for upcoming trend or special event or a new outfit that you like”.

Through the introduction of this option Instagram will also be in a position to judge and analyse the interests of users, which leads to targeted advertisements due to the settings or analytics based on this bookmark option.

Instagram is also touting the new bookmark feature to potential advertisers and explaining these advertisers that it could be used by people, who are interested in remembering a post related to their businesses or services.

This new feature is similar to the Facebook’s “Save” option, which is often used with links and videos you want to go back to read or watch later.

Due to the introduction of bookmark option by Instagram, there will be an increase in user engagement with the app for the purpose of revisiting their favorite content again some times in future.

Bookmark icon is rolling out now in version 10.2 of Instagram,s mobile app for Android and iOS.



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